Sunday, May 10, 2015

Life and Social Skills: We All Need Them

What are life skills? They are a combination of different traits and qualities that help us to successfully interact with others in order to achieve a stated goal. 

Some of the most important life skills are people and social skills. Being able to properly communicate with folks is an important but also a dying art.

You can blame various types of technology advances. However, many people were never taught these important skills and nuggets. Nevertheless, these are the very people that are in education, law enforcement, customer service, and management. You have to be able to hold up well in crisis situations and be diplomatic. This is sorely lacking right now.

Being socialable all starts with making eye contact and talking to people in person, not at them or behind a phone or computer. Making that personal connection is crucial.

There is an old saying "good or bad, people will never forget how you made them feel.". This couldn't be more true. We all need to properly choose our battles and words. Often they are impossible to take back once they are out there, especially if the behavior is consistent.

You have those that put up walls and close off others. That is also not good. You need to be inviting and open, instead of alienating and intimidating. Be the person that everyone runs to, instead of runs away from or avoids.

Keeping peace high and hostility low is also key. It takes work to build a trusting, strong line of communication and it must be properly maintained.

In short, be likeable and humble. We have too much negativity in the world. Let's work little by little on breaking this cycle.

How important of a life skill are people skills? Do you think not being a people person puts someone at a disadvantage?

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