Tuesday, December 12, 2023

Debbie Lanier's Life and Times: Vol 23: The 70s

If you knew my mom well, you knew she loved and had her best times in the decade called the 70s. 

Debbie loved That 70s Show but called what they did on the show "preppy rich people show." She did mention how bananas the masses went over Jaws, Star Wars, Roots and the bicentennial. Mom would also talk about where her and her circle hung out. These spots included the drive in theater, Howard Johnson, Cagie's Bar, and my aunt Ellen Jean's house. 

She met my dad during this decade and yours truly was born so that was a joy. She was in her 20s then and enjoyed her first adult job, cars, and freedom. She saw Rocky and Saturday Night Fever on the big screen. Her and her friends listened to 8 track cassettes where you needed a matchbook for them to work properly. Mom collected Tiger Beat and other teen magazines with David Cassidy on the cover. 

I know what it's like to be young and carefree.  The 90s/early 2000s were that time for me. Mom loved the 70s for those reasons and how everyone seemed to come together and enjoy each other's company more. I already know her part of Heaven includes the 70s. 

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