Sunday, November 8, 2020

STARS: Lowering your BP without medicine

I have had a couple of faint spells with my blood pressure. I have literally had maybe 5 in my lifetime. I keep myself healthy and my BP normal at worst. I donate blood and somehow my BP mysteriously was so elevated I couldn't do one of my favorite activities: donate blood. This left me hurt and embarrassed. 

I am ensuring that I drink my organic apple cider vinegar with the mother regularly.  I recommend Bragg's. 

I am also regulating my caffeine and sugar intake, as well as increasing my capcasin consumption. I'm consuming more hot foods and even peppers. I spoke to a friend last year that suffers from HBP. He says that when he feels his pressure getting too high, he eats wings or really hot sauce.  And it works! 

I am also drinking a gallon of water/daily, even on my off days. I am sticking to my strict regimen of fruits and vegetables. I was going to so intermittent fasting until Thanksgiving but I will pause this until I get my BP where it needs to be. 

Many public machines have closed due to COVID. Therefore, I purchased my own monitor so I can see for myself. I do plan on visiting the doctor more and I refuse to take any sort of medication with adverse side effects that I can prevent. 

I will beat this as I always have. I am also getting even more rest.  It is causing my to-do list to grow but I will be more healthy first. 

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