Monday, October 21, 2019

STARS: Putting together a Homecoming formal/semi-formal

Since I didn't coupon this week and have yet to shadow one of the masters, I decided to focus on another topic.  

I realize some of my best works comes as a result of a social media question and here we go. 

Blacksburg High School has not had at least a semi formal Homecoming in the modern era as other schools do. I have found that money and manpower are the two biggest obstacles, outside of desire. 

Therefore, I would first poll the students , PTA; and even the active alums.  If I get a 2/3rds vote, I move forward with the dance. 

Now this is NOT a prom so no extravagant decorations nor the other frilly stuff is necessary.  I would operate on a shoestring budget and stick to that. 

The tickets would be $3/piece or $5/couple. Photos would be by a local student photographer, refreshments would be light, decorations would be handmade and bought from places such as Dollar Tree and Hobby Lobby. I would employ a house DJ to offer their services or simply obtain a temporary license (around $20/$30) similar to karaoke and play iTunes or Spotify. 

Regarding attire, you would encourage a dress code in the style of thrift shops and even Walmart, not Men's Wearhouse. Even a female could look elegant for $100 or less. I realize parents pay for so much now, especially if the student is a senior. Cost would max at around $100/parent and even less than $40 if you wore something used or low budget. Low budget does exist; I have seen it at plenty of college and adult gatherings. People have a great time and no bank is broken.

You would have it in the cafeteria from 10pm-3am on that Friday night to not interfere with football, Saturday band competitions or anything else. 

I would then make sure I at least broke even at the door and personally see from parental response how much was spent per student. I would try it three times and if it didn't work, then I would scrap it. 

Moral of the story is do not say something can't be done or it is too expensive. I find it ironic this comes from the same fundraising crowd that somehow manages to send Tre and Dawn to Disneyworld or DC but is concerned about a party that may cost as low as $30/person? Here's a quick power tip that may help: not eating out for two weeks would easily net you that money and more alone. 

I will continue to research and gather details but the point is with enough desire and support, it is absolutely doable.

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