Monday, October 13, 2014

Raven Symone: From Comeback To Coming Out

Raven Symone has undergone numerous transformations since she first appeared as Olivia on The Cosby Show nearly 30 years ago. She had a hit children's television series on Disney "That's So Raven", then retransformed her physique after a couple of movie, television cameos and voiceovers. She then starred on a short lived series on ABC Family called "State Of Georgia."  Outside of her infamous Olivia memes, Raven had seemed to fade off.

That is, until Oprah Winfrey had an exclusive interview with her.

I wrote just a few weeks back about the powerful effect Oprah has on society. She was the one that not only pulled Raven's true sexuality out of her, she also had Miss Symone denouncing being an African American and hating to be called that. Needless to say, many were and are shocked and angry.

I am not angry or shocked with Raven completely and here's why

1. Raven did not say she didn't want to be called black, just not African American. That's a loaded topic in itself. Yes Raven is clearly of African descent. But she wasn't born in Africa, and most likely cannot trace a relative that was in the past four centuries.

2. I had suspected Raven to be same sex on the "That's So Raven" series. Let's just say my intuition kicked in. I almost dismissed when she claimed to be a born again Christian and she spoke several times of saving herself, even after she lost weight and had several more suitors of both genders. That being said,...

3. I do realize that being gay is very unacceptable in both the Christian and the black community. However we are supposed to do as Jesus did: love the sinner and hate the sin. I'm not happy at how Raven hid behind her so-called faith for years. Nonetheless, Raven has made a life choice as a grown woman and has shown courage in coming forward. She could not be chastised but loved, even if you do not support her lifestyle.

4. I could be totally left field on this, but Raven may be saying what she's saying, at least about not being African American, to become relevant again. And what bigger platform to do that than an Oprah interview. Time will tell here.

So everyone please relax. This could truly be a phase for Raven Symone. She is still a human being first and should not be treated as any less. Think of her as your sister, daughter, cousin or friend and the tables could be turned.

Were you shocked at Raven's comments? Do you agree or disagree with her abrupt lifestyle changes?

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