Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Why I hate marijuana

Marijuana is a very controversial topic, whether be the usage of it, or the question of legalizing it. I have been exposed to it all my life, whether be through others using it in my presence or family dealing it and consequently getting incarcerated.  Therefore, I have a firm grasp on weed, ganja, chronic, 4:20/ etc, etc.  I've even tried weed, and have caught a few contact buzzes from my brother and cousins.  However, I hate the drug, and wish that folks would see it for what it truly is.

And yes it is a drug ladies and gentlemen.

Just because its an herb,a plant from cannabis that is grown from the earth does not exempt it from being a drug, or certainly being addictive.  Anything can have the effects of a drug such as heroin, xanax, and meth.  This even includes sweet foods, chocolate, sugar, coffee, etc., or even habits such as gambling or porn.  Marijuana may not be a drug in the conventional or traditional sense. But it is still widely illegal and more dangerous than some of the drugs and vices I previously mentioned.

We have all heard the term that marijuana is a gateway drug, leading to the harder stuff such as the crack, X, meth, and so forth. It is so much more than that though. I've seen folks get angry and dang near violent when they can't score any weed after so long.  They forget about nearly everything else, and the pot has overtaken their body and mind in a negative fashion. I believe in herbs and many organic substances. However, your conventional herb is not supposed to do this. And folks try and tell me with a straight face that weed is not addictive.  Please!!!

I've seen marijuana make folks go completely broke, ruin lives, careers, corrupt minds, and simply cause more harm than good. Granted medicinal marijuana has been known to cure glaucoma and calm and balance the nerves.  However, it is extremely recreational, and "potheads" and "stoners" go to greater lengths to get it because of its rarity.  It's simple economics really.  Similar to a hot toy around Christmas that is hard to find. It's appeal and elusiveness increase its value.  Retailers and weed dealers alike know this. 

These are my views based on personal experience and careful observation. If you feel the need to go smoke your joint or blunt, go ahead. But do not try to justify what you're doing with flawed, circular arguments. At day's end, marijuana is a drug in every sense that a substance can be one.  There is no logical way you can tell me different. 

Think about that the next time your gas tank is on E and you spent your last $10 on a dime bag.  And it is wintertime also. Well, at least your supply can keep your warm. That is, until you run out or the police catch you. You then have a possession charge on your record, with possible jail time.

Hope that was a good herbal essence, that is all for now

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