Sunday, January 22, 2017

Now You See Here,...

OK I have seen some heinous and even irrational behavior this weekend. I knew tensions would be high with Trump's inauguration. It seems now people will protest simply to protest. And it's some of the same folks that voted him in.

But I believe the problem extends beyond our newly inaugurated POTUS. It goes to the overall wussification of America, how we are raising our youth.

The younger generations (the millenials and becomers) have been too entitled for too long. Many are dubbing them "snowflakes". Whatever you want to call them, it isn't promising. It starts when you give everyone a trophy or certificate in school for doing nothing, to no longer keeping score in certain sports. Sorry but everyone isn't a winner here.

Then they get to adulthood and have little to no work ethic and then want to complain, whine and protest when they don't get their way. This isn't all of them of course but many are turning out this way.

Many in the religious circle blame prayer for being taken out. I don't because you can pray anywhere in silence. I blame the system and the parents for allowing it to happen. There needs to be a flashback to some harder times. Many of these young people have no appreciation for history and their ancestors, lack the proper guidance and discipline, and are simply jaded.

So let's nip this in the bud and get down to the bottom of the issue. Stop telling these younger people that the world is all peaches and cream. It isn't, plain and simple. It's hard and often mean and unfair. The sooner they learn this, the better they will be as citizens.

I have said this before and here it is again. We don't want the world turning into the movie Idiocracy. It seems like we get closer and closer.

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