Sunday, October 16, 2016

Black Or White: Caught In The Middle!

OK it seems racial tensions are at an all time high as we enter yet another presidential election. It seems overall, neither blacks nor whites as a whole understand each other. Some, however, would like to. You can tell by remarks on either end that many actually wanna get along and not return this country to the 60s, which is where it's headed.

Here are some basics to understand about both races. Being half black, half white, I had to learn more. But I will help both sides where I can.

Black people , especially black women, are targets everyday and not just by the police and media. They feel hurt and betrayed just as their ancestors did when they feel slighted or profiled based on their skin color. They don't agree with everything the Democratic party says and does, but feels like they look out for minorities more than the GOP does. Being black is a blessing and a curse but not many ethnicities would swap places. They will do "black" things and have black friends but aren't about living the life 24/7.

White people are blind to many obvious truths out there. This is called white privilege. I don't blame them fully for this, they simply haven't been in a position where they had to learn or understand other races. Whites are killed in higher numbers than blacks and get persecuted as well. However, history and privilege restrain them from being as aggressive about it as black people. They see the #blacklivesmatter movement as racist and offensive because they don't fully understand the overall significance. It's ok to like and believe what you do. However lack of understanding and communication can be dangerous for both races. Again you have to feel this pain, and not assume that everyone is a racist. Whites have to show others they want to understand and help and that wrong is wrong.

We are all humans at day's end with lots of cultural differences. Again speak your mind all day but do so with understanding and reason.

Until next time, ...

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