Saturday, April 2, 2016

What Can Be Learned From Taking Away Social Media

Many of you know I chose to gave up social media for Lent this year. That's right, no Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, Google + , Snapchat or LinkedIn for 40 days. Facebook was honestly the toughest because that is my major vehicle for connecting with folks, and posting my writings and life happenings.

I always have a spiritual journey and learn a lot during Lent. Here is what one can learn from the presence and the absence of social media.

1. The absence of it typically gives a person more free time. My mom once said after trying it for a year that it is a "time thief". Staying on any network for too long can do just that.. I was able to focus my attention in other avenues and areas during my fast.

2. The Internet, even with Google and Wikipedia, have waned in popularity due to social media. Smartphones are awesome also. However, without social media, the overall experience is diminished. Think of HDTV versus regular television.

3. It is too easy to keep in touch via a social network versus interacting with a person via phone, text, letter or even visiting them. Making social calls to people's houses has also become obsolete, unless you're hanging out or there's a social function.

4. You miss out on important updates and tidbits. It used to be sad and taboo to make certain announcements on FB or Twitter. Now it's commonplace. Many artists are not only discovered via social media, they release their music through this medium.

5. Times have changed, period. Yes the hackers, fake people and spammers will continue to exist. But social media has so many more usages and purposes now overall.

Consequently, if you're gonna be off social media for an extended period of time, ensure those closest to you have a way of reaching you. It is paramount of course to stay on some type of grid.

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