Saturday, June 13, 2015

Owning Your Own Faults: Being Accountable

We all make mistakes and do things wrong. To err is human. I previously wrote a piece similar to this "Mistakes:Casting The First Stone."

The worst part, however, is not owning up to the own crap we say and do.

It's easy to criticize and pass judgment. However, why aren't more of us owning up to our faults and shortcomings, and trying to improve them?

It's the classic case of sweeping around your own front door first. The biggest step can be picking up that broom and putting in the metaphorical work.

One needs to take a step back, and do a hard look. Make sure you know what you're talking about before you speak, and practice what you teach and preach.

Let's take this moment, day, month, season and year to own ourselves, flaws and all.

Do you have mess that you need to own in your life? What are you doing to progress in the proper direction?

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