Monday, December 15, 2014

Learning Statistics Through The Board Game Monopoly

The holiday season is usually when many of us gather with our close friends and family. A popular family game has always been Monopoly. This game is available in dozens of different versions, including even an electronic version.

It is fun, but it also educational. One can learn plenty about aspects of business, specifically finance and statistics. Look at some of the characteristics.

1. The game is based heavily on how the dice rolls. Seven is your most common number between two sets of die, whereas it is less rare you will roll two ones (snake eyes) or two sixes.

2. The properties most commonly landed on are the orange and red properties. This is mostly due to the fact that they are the closest proximity from jail. Some of the least landed on properties include Boardwalk and Park Place. Perhaps you should think twice before buying this expensive property.

3. Luxury Tax and Income Tax are very likely spots as well, depending upon how many players you have.

4. This is in reference to #1. One can think of Monopoly in the same fashion as a crap game or even a game of dice. Since the game is heavily weighted on where and what you land on, it's once again all about the roll.

5. It is rare, and rarer when there is four or more players, to land on all three properties of any color group and actually own them. Therefore, be ready to fight, negotiate and reason with your opponents.

Knowing a few of these basic facts and stats can make you a better Monopoly player, and help you to understand statistics better. There are a few tables online that actually shows the probabilities for landing on certain spaces, and a top to bottom ranking far as which property is highest in frequency depending on a few factors.

Therefore it wouldn't hurt to improve at statistics this holiday season so you can increase your chances of being your Monopoly house champion.

How much of Monopoly do you think is chance? How well can you control the results of your dice roll?

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