I've been told many times by different people that I'm perfect marriage material and would make a great husband. Now I'm very humbled and flattered to know this. I would also like to know why this is the case. It may also explain some reasons why I have been single for so long.
Therefore are some reasons I conjured up as I made a case for myself as to why I would make a good husband.
1. I know how to treat others well, especially a woman
I speak and write often about how I was raised by two women who taught me manners and to treat others well and like human beings. I feel being good to others only yields positive reinforcement and I love positive, residual action.
2. I am healthy and in shape.
This extends more than my physique and even how much I work out or how well I eat. I also want my health and vitals to be in order and to beat generational diseases and curses. Therefore, I stay healthy in mind, body and spirit.
3. I am extremely hard working
I have been working since age 16, have held several jobs, and have been with the same company for 11 years. Additionally, I do other legal things for additional income which allows me to live a comfortable lifestyle, keep my bills paid and have a good credit score. Money isn't everything but it is important. I try to make my relentless work ethic an equalizer.
4. I am well educated and intelligent.
Education is very important to me. I always want to learn something new everyday. I stay well read and keep my mind sharp. I like to be interesting and interested in what's going on.
5. Good sense of humor
I absolutely love comedy, from watching stand up and improv comedy, to sitcoms on TV and joking and kidding around. I like to live life to the fullest and be happy and have others around me feel the same. If you aren't laughing, you aren't living.
6. Attractive
I am not being conceited here, but confident. I feel I am an attractive man, inside and out. I don't make it a point to flaunt it either. I am very down home about it all, and I want my inner beauty to shine more. The exterior fades but the interior can last forever.
7. Female friends, etc
This may seem like a negative but keep reading before you judge. I have a good network of ladies (my mom, aunts, cousins, friends) with whom I trust and confide in regarding female issues. I know I can go to them with most problems. I like to stay in touch with what the opposite sex needs and wants.
8. I don't take any crap and I am a tough person.
I realize I don't fit the profile. But trust and believe I am not one to be crossed. I know how to defend myself properly as well as my lady. I feel I am a man's man with an old soul. I am mentally and physically tough and often use my biggest muscle: my brain when faced with controversy and adversity.
9. I never want to stop dating
Too often when the vows are said, the dating stops. I don't ever want that to be the case with the person I'm with. I want us to always be boyfriend and girlfriend. The couples and marriages I have seen endure the longest practice this behavior.
10. I am very spiritual
This is more important than being religious to me. I definitely subscribe to a higher power, God and Jesus, and try to live in line with the Bible's teachings. I feel God is love and I want to continually practice God's love and grace towards others.
Well ladies here it is. If you have any further questions or additions, comment or hit me up personally.
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