Saturday, February 23, 2013

Cursive Writing: Going Obsolete As Well?

Who remembers learning cursive writing back in around the 3rd or 4th grade? It was hard at the time, but you felt a sense of pride that you could write even fancier and more proper. Also, you had learned how to sign your signature. It just seemed beneficial to write in cursive.

I was taken aback some when I heard that cursive writing was not being taught in schools that early anymore, if at all. The reasons I have heard why, from educators , range from it is no longer a priority to teach, it is hard to get students into it, and it will soon become obsolete.

Ok now let me get this straight.  Due to technology and even automated signatures, one of the three Rs is being eliminated?  I mean, it seems children are learning how to write the English language, but not properly. It still doesn't seem right or make any sense.

Despite technology making many advances in our daily lives, one should learn basics, such as how to formally write. It goes beyond just being able to make your signature. It is an important part of learning, one that would come in handy at some points. Calculators have already made many folks incapable of doing basic math or following order of operations. Where will our education system go next?

Cursive handwriting should be taught at some point in elementary school. Many children begin school and can read and write well before the age of three. This is also about history and basic skills. We have a skill and an art that can't be lost.

I was watching a movie last night called Idiocracy. Do we want our nation to become a bunch of drones and cater to the lowest common denominator? We have more resources now than ever. There should be more taught and not less.  That is the purpose of progress.

One thing is for sure: my children will learn cursive writing if I find their schools aren't teaching it. I realize my handwriting isn't the best, but it's neater when I write in cursive.

Besides, what else will schools replace? Writing 100 times when they misbehave like Bart Simpson? It's sad, very sad.

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