Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Domestic Violence: Time To Stop The Bleeding

Regardless of how hot or cold it may be outdoors, tempers always seem to flare. That's when angry people feel the need to beat on someone physically, in a variety of ways.

Child abuse is not as common anymore thanks to a stricter Department of Social Services. However, you still have knucklehead parents who hand out the kind of corporal punishments that make Joe Jackson, Ike Turner, and Penny's mom from Good Times all look like choir saints.

When people cannot beat on their children, they beat on their significant others. Women in this day and age still take beatings and physical abuse from boyfriends, lovers and husbands. It seems that's what some women like. They are naive and believe that when they are beaten on, it is out of love and that is the type of person that will protect them. However, on the contrary, these types of people are usually the biggest cowards and bullies: only putting their hands on defenseless people. They are quickly exposed when someone strikes back, and hard.

The point is we have too much violence and hate in our country and world. Children feeling the need to hustle and gang bang in middle school. Handgun sales are at an all time high, and these aren't just for hunting or protection. Nowadays, people will quickly shoot or "murk" you before getting into a fight. They aren't trying to get their tail beat. Rather permanent damage is on their agenda.

One should never feel threatened by domestic violence. It is unlawful and immoral, except for self defense purposes. Contact your local law enforcement, CRIME stoppers, or a violence hotline so you can feel safe. Especially if you're a woman, there are battered women's shelters out there for you and your children. You are not alone in this battle.

The world is not safe, but that doesn't mean you have to live in fear. Stand up against violence with your strongest weapon and muscle: your head. Think logically and rationally before getting into an altercation, and try to avoid it by all means. 

This is something that can be stopped, but like bullying, drugs , and other serious issues I have written of, it takes numbers and and a strong force of people to be able to stop it. We may not currently be at war, but we have wars on the homelands.

History is a good indicator that we can win this battle of domestic violence. We have to raise our standards and lower our tolerance.

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