Monday, February 21, 2011

There is a season, turn, turn, turn,...

Yes sure there are seasons, no denying that. We have the basic weather seasons: Fall, Winter, Spring and Summer (although in certain parts of the USA and world, these can vary), the sports seasons: football, basketball, baseball, racing, golf, etc. There are also fashion seasons, workout plans often devoted to certain seasons, even wedding and breakup seasons. That's a lot of seasoning for something that's not usually even a food item!

Now I'm the type of person that has a hard time going by the traditional diems of a season. I'll start with my workout sessions. Now I'm no fool and I try to be fit and safe. Therefore, when it's sub 40 degrees outside, I'm not going to be outside running. That can wreak havoc on a person's joints, especially at my age. However, I know many folks that choose certain times of year to focus on certain body parts, goals, etc. For example, I know many folks that instead of trying to lose weight at the first of the year like many "Holiday Hoppers" I know, they try in the Spring and Summer, where you will usually sweat more due to warmer conditions. Then you have folks that lift weights and love to spend the winter months building mass. All of this is fine. However, a season shouldn't necessary determine what your workout plans should be, especially if you're in an indoor gym. Climate usually goes out the window then.

Then you have vacations. Many folks like to take vacations during the summer months where it's beautiful and can go to the beach, on cruises, the lake, and such. Plus for those that have children in school, and/or are schoolteachers, it's the easiest time to take time off from work. All of this I understand perfectly. This is why I will usually only take my extended vacations in any month but June, July, August, or September. So many people take that time off, and it's easier to get the time off from work during the other months. Plus, even the hotel and airline industries hike up their rates during peak vacation times. Therefore, it's much cheaper to go during the off-seasons. Also, cruises are dirt-cheap during September-October (hurricane season). I personally don't like to take that risk of going on the Carribean seas when hurricanes are running rampant. Many do, however.

I mentioned in an earlier blog of my passion for grilling. Grilling is commonly done when it's warmer weather outside (April-October). However, there are those that grill year-round, and I'm cool with that of course. I even have a friend whose father once grilled during a blizzard!

Sports makes a lot of sense far as seasons are concerned. Basketball and hockey are more popular as indoor sports when it's more colder and people just want to be inside more. Baseball, softball are better when it's warmer and the grass is alive and green. Football is similar, except it's more of a fall sport. One doesn't want to be out when it's too cold (although football in the snow can be fun), and it's kinda miserable to play and watch football in smoldering temperatures.

My thing is to use common sense when doing any type of activity, and of course availability, cost, etc. Don't let seasons, weather, affect every type of activity you may do. Once again, the two key words are common sense. I won't even get started on those that choose to leave Christmas decorations up year round. That seems to run rampant in the South.

Speaking of the South, it seems there are really 2 and a half seasons instead of four: summer, more summer, fall/winter (with some spring and summer sprinkled in once/month). That really confuses a lot more of the paradigms and theories that folks have when it comes to seasons.

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