Monday, February 14, 2011

New Zodiac? How can you measure love compatibility now?

I'm being sarcastic here with this title.

For generations, many folks (especially astrologists and females) have used the 12 astrological signs (Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces, Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, and Sagittarius) for various methods of comparing folks, identifying them, and measuring love compatibility. And now there's a 13th sign, Ophiuchus (for those born between November 29th and December 17th). This bumps back every other sign now according to new zodiac sign charts. Under the old standards, I was a Cancer. Now I'm supposedly a Gemini. What the heck???

I figured since today was Valentine's Day, this would be an appropriate topic to discuss. I've been suprised over the years the various ways in which women choose their mate. Finances, education, skin color (light, dark), body type, height, and now zodiac signs. The perceptions of the latter are definitely skewed now for those sorts of folks.

Zodiac and astrology should be used with caution and logic. I definitely believe the moon, Earth and stars has a profound effect on our emotions. However, the recent observation of a 13th zodiac sign proves we shouldn't have blinders on in these analyses. For example, Cancers are supposedly most compatible to Scorpios. I've been attracted to many Scorpios, but their traditional traits are that are jealous and possessive. Those are BOTH negative traits to me, so how can I be fully compatible to a Scorpio then. Could it be because I am now a Gemini? Give me a break!

Now what about horoscopes? I definitely can't find much validity in those. You can read horoscopes off of 3 different websites and out of two different newspapers. You would be hard-pressed to find any two that are exactly alike. I know I have yet to.

I'm not saying astrology and zodiac signs are complete hogwash. What I am saying is don't obscess over it and based your entire life around it. Many folks are already calling the scientist that discovered the 13th sign a nutcase. I'm not sure what to perceive of it. Except that I was born a Cancer, and I think that should make me a Cancer for life. Nothing against Geminis, but I don't wanna change to a Gemini in my 30s. That is ridiculous!

I also encourage folks to pick your mate based on your love and affection towards them and how compatible you ACTUALLY are after learning about each other, spending time together, etc. Don't use each other's signs to determine that. It does not always work well. If it did, horoscopes would be more consistent, the divorce rate would be lower, and you wouldn't have so many single folks on this day of love.

Zodiac signs can be worst than stereotyping folks based on race, size, age, etc. It's another trait if you ask me. Let's see people for people, the human race. The technology age (of which I have a love/hate relationship with) has already made society more interpersonal. If we continue to rely on ever-changing, flawed factors such as zodiac signs, things are doomed to fail.

Happy Valentine's Day and my hope is you are NOT with your Valentine's (or staying away from a potential Valentine) just because a certain indicator (not a deal-breaker, those are different) told you so. Free your mind, and use your own mind and instincts.

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