Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Cater to your mate, it's doable

Ok along with other various issues, the gender roles issue is slowly rising as we enter into cuffing season  (it's a thing people).

You are seeing more and more people refusing to cater to their mates. I'm talking more than being a Stepford from a 50s sitcom staying home all day cooking and cleaning. That can be done and have a career. I have seen it, and if you want it bad enough, it can happen.

This goes for men not helping out, or feeling like they're working too much or not appreciated. I often wonder like the lady from the video that inspired this post "who raised y'all?"  I realize many of you aren't surrounded by folks in good healthy relationships and marriages and that's cool. What isn't cool is to stay stuck in the same rut of doing the bare minimum for your mate, only to see them happy and loving someone else. They brought what you didn't to the table, point blank period.

Relationships are give, take and sacrifice. When you get a good person, especially the right one, it's time to go that extra mile. Take the kids to school or daycare. Cook and clean that night. Make arrangements for date night. Be intimidate with each other more often. Basically, show each other LOVE. You do this, the right one will hang around , trust me.

Ok enough being bitter. Get the one you deserve and keep balance in your life and house!

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