Blacksburg, SC is my hometown, and I have found myself writing and talking about it more over the years. The best thing I can say about my small town is its sense of community, especially when someone is in need.
This was in display in full force on Saturday, July 30th as my service organization, Smokin Rita and Friends, helped organize a benefit at the First Baptist Church for Shon Dawkins, who is fighting ALS. The event was a complete success with a hot dog meal, several desserts and sports memorabilia were raffled, and there was even face painting and bouncy houses for the children.
I love seeing when a community can come together and put aside their differences. These are the stories that should be reported first nightly on the news.
Some of you probably want to know more about Shon Dawkins and why anyone would make a big deal out of one person, albeit one deeply affected by ALS.
Well first and foremost, this is how Blacksburg does for its own, when one of its own is sick and in need. The community spirit is strong and they have your back in your hour of need. Even folks from nearby Gaffney and classmates of his from Gardner-Webb University came and showed love.
Second, Shon was not only an awesome athlete during his years at Blacksburg High, he was (and still is) and awesome person that could get along with anyone and make anybody smile and laugh. Shon and his family grew up near me in rural Kings Creek. His family is well known for being good people, good athletes, and hard workers.
Also, it is a tragedy to see ALS take down anyone, especially someone physically and mentally strong as Shon. It has affected his body, but it cannot touch his mind and heart. He is very inspirational despite his pain, and will have you laughing and crying. I always loved being around him, and there was no way I was missing this benefit.
#thehustleforthemuscle movement continues as Shon's condition does worsen and the bills don't stop. There is a 5K run planned soon in Blacksburg, plus other benefits. There is already a GoFundMe in place. Shon is one of the last folks I know that would ask for any help. Therefore, help him since he would help you, and help in this fight against ALS! Continue to check my blogs, vlogs, and social media accounts for more info!