Saturday, January 16, 2016

Being The Unwelcome House Guest: Who Wants That?

I figured I would add a little shock value with this title. This is how many of us feel like we are treated: like an unwanted presence or different, like the oddity that many minorites have felt for decades and centuries.

This is Dr. Martin Luther King Day weekend, and Black History Month is around the corner. America is honoring a man that gave his life so that ALL could have equal rights and treatment. Dr. King's dream extended to social, political and professional circles as well. It may have been motivated by how blacks were treated in the 50s, but it was much broader.

Present day, many still practice this unfair, unjust treatment of others simply because they look, talk or act differently than yourself. We need unity and tolerance if we are ever going to move forward as a country and society. This is the HUMAN race, and Dr. King's dream for equality will continue to move at a slower pace consequently.

Think about it: when it is the last time you treated less than or inferior? How did it make you feel? Often you must place yourself into the shoes of others. Also, see this person as your best friend, parent or even child. You would be angry if they were treated in an unjust manner so why go and do it to someone else for no good reason?

Hate and racism are definitely taught and fueled by negative influences and exposures. One much open their hearts, eyes, minds and treat everyone better. Say hi to that coworker who is completely different than you. Thank the custodial and maintenance staffs of wherever you may be. Strike up a conversation with someone of a different background. These small gestures can assure that no one is being treated in an ugly matter.

Being and acting fair is a choice. Can you do it now, and going forward?

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