Monday, January 26, 2015

The Ship Has Sank! Seven Ways You Know The Relationship Is Over

Well you're probably wondering whether the "ship" is worth saving or is it damaged permanently. This doesn't mean just a romantic relationship. It could be a friendship, partnership, or most any type of bond ending with the suffix "ship". You're probably at odds whether or not it's really over and should you move forward. Here are a few ways one can know.

1. It has become more one sided.

The person involved only sees or talks to you when it's convenient for them, and they always want something. It's no longer give and take. It's take and take, and take again. This is extremely unhealthy.

2. One of four major factors keeps breaking down

These four are: honesty, communication, trust and respect. These are all vital for any "ship" to stay afloat. Once the point is reached where you cannot do this, you should have a definite answer.

3.  They cut themselves out of your life.

You no longer hang out, talk, or even like each other's statuses and pictures on social media. At this point, it's like trying to water a plant that has already died. Resuscitation isn't going to help when they have already pulled the plug mentally.

4. Tension is high

That good feeling and vibe you once got about them has vanished. You feel uncomfortable and on edge around them. Also, one can feel unsafe and sick.

5. No effort on their part

The bond has been broken and they are not trying to address nor fix it. They are not trying to work on the "ship".

6. Both of you have changed/evolved.

Life happens , both of you start simply growing apart from each other. This isn't always a bad thing either. It basically means the "ship" has ran its course.

7. You feel more alive when they aren't around.

This is the polar opposite of #4. Their presence makes you feel awful, while their absence has no impact on you or a great impact. You then realize that it is time to part ways.

OK I believe you all got it now, if you didn't before. So don't lose sleep and play Clue in your head. It's no murder mystery. Discernment is a wonderful trait to possess, and having this helps determine who should be in your world.  You can then live a more peaceful, happy life.

Are there other ways not listed that you can tell if a "ship" is about to sink? Care to share any personal experiences?

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