Sunday, August 10, 2014

Words That Have Became Offensive Over The Past Few Years

We are now in an era of greater tolerance, especially in the face of anti-bullying and hypersensitivity. There are more words than ever that can no longer be used in a public context. Obviously such words such as the one beginning with the letter 'n', midgets, and pretty much any slang against the Asian culture is offensive. Here are a list of other words that are even deemed illegal in certain areas and states.

1. Porch Monkeys
2. Retarded
3. Mongoloid
4. Dwarf
5. Half-Breed
6. Mixed (not offended by this one BTW)
7. Fat
8. Dumb
9. Idiot
10. Apes
11. Sambo
12. Spearchucker
13. Handicapped
14. Crippled
15. Waiter/Waitress
16.  Secretary
17. Receptionist
18. Steward/Stewardess
19. Janitor
20. Stripper
21. Spook
22. Tar Baby
23. Towel Head
24. Beaner
25. Peckerwood
26. Cracker
27. Honky
28. American Indian
29. Most Native American Nicknames
30.  Yankee
31. Redneck
32. Hillbilly
33. Trailer Park Trash
34. Good Ol' Boy
35. Guido
36. Uncle Tom
37. Oreo
38. Aunt Jemima
39. Uncle Ben or Remus
40. Nerd.
41. Pygmies
42. Swish
43. Wop

Are there any other offensive words that you may or may not have been aware of?

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