This past week may be the last one that I'm appointment free or off for a while but I am still standing physically and my ankle is doing well. I am walking around more and more as my body continues to adjust.
I felt more normal this week as I could do more things physically while still being careful and cautious. Submitting paperwork is still a slow process. FYI: if you're ever injured and are out of work for a while, be prepared for the mountain of papers you will have to submit. Doctors, hospitals, insurance and of course your place of employment. I see the process is facilitated somewhat but is still cumbersome and tedious. Ironically this keeps me sharp as I return to this type of work.
I was asked if I was mentally and physically ready. I feel like I am but I won't completely know until I begin my first shift back, which is this Friday night.
I may do a final installment next week and then take two weeks off for the Super Bowl for my next segment. I really do hope this does/has helped someone else. It's one thing to be quarantined in your own home. It's definitely another when you are limited physically. I definitely don't take physical mobility lightly.