Monday, December 5, 2022

Crutches, Boots and Scooters Chronicles Part 1

I'm going to do a weekly chronicle following my nasty, freak injury on November 27th. For those that I haven't contacted, I fell down the hill between my driveway and front porch when I got off from work. My left foot slipped underneath me and I came down in some mud as it was raining. I immediately heard a pop and then when I tried to get up, I came down again as I heard a snap. I tried once more to elevate myself but it was evident as the pain was throbbing that I wouldn't be able to walk into my own home. I had to crawl guerilla war style into my home up my porch and I elevated myself near my door enough to unlock it and come inside. 

I then spent the next two days in Urgent Care and ER facilities. I learned that you don't go to urgent care for possible sprains nor fractures. By the time I left the ER on Monday afternoon, I was even more spent and tired. I had a sprained and dislocated ankle, a fractured fibia (calf) bone and surgery was pushed forward to this past Friday since I had developed infection and MRCA in my left big toe and amputation was necessary before the orthopedic specialist operated on my ankle.

I hadn't been hampered like this in my entire life. I am consistently a glass full type of guy but I have limited mobility aside from crutches, a walker and a foot controlled scooter that my friend gave me. I need assistance with so many things. I am missing out on my company's busiest season as I got the schedule that was more desirable to me and was training for a role that I was excited about performing. I am also at odds with my mother who is having a hard time grasping everything and doesn't adjust well to sudden change.

There are positives. I get much needed rest, others get to drive me for a change, I have lots of free time to blog, vlog, podcast, work on my turkey fryer and other delayed projects, and catch up on sports and streaming services. I have quite a village around me per #imjustdrew as I recover, recuperate and get back to full strength. I do not want this time to go wasted as apparently I have wasted time in the past.

This has been quite a week mostly spent on my reclining couch with my TV, cat, and resting. I have short and long term goals for the coming days and weeks but the #1 is to recover fully, adjust smoothly to these changes, and come out of this a much more physically and mentally stronger person.

Stay tuned for next week as I attempt to rearrange my home for accessibility purposes, I have post-op and attempt to cook for myself. I also need to brew some coffee as I haven't had any in over a week!

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