Wednesday, May 11, 2022

STARS: On The Way Back: Part 5

Some could say I was already back since I was making more money, had a good schedule, great commute, benefits and such when I left RA and went to Amazon. I wanted more from Amazon though. 

I found that during that time, it seemed more common for at least the building I worked at during that time to hire folks straight out of school for the management and leader positions. I was okay with working up the ranks and climbing the ladder.  I would understand the overall process and flow of the fulfillment center anyways. 

However, even that was a challenge my first two years there. I suffered through a lack of support, leadership looking over me, and not being cross trained nor given the opportunities to train or to be groomed nor molded. I was just a regular worker and there is nothing wrong with that. I felt I wasn't getting a fair shake. I even won Employee of the Month for the entire company. 

I spoke up and reached out at roundtables, participated in connection calls regarding my managers and even met 1:1 with senior leadership. I simply wanted to be given a chance and at worse have an opportunity to do other jobs within the building.  

Two years had passed and I was only on the appeals board and my current manager kept lying to my face about getting me cross trained. I then went over his head and even called Ethics and corporate. I was tired of it and I wasn't going to sit by and take it like many others had before me. My goal was to show that advancement and cross training were possible.

I saw more optimism and results as I was plugged in FINALLY to leadership and folks that were dedicated to helping me grow. The manager I reported did recommend me to be a Learning Ambassador (trainer). That's where the story will continue for next time.

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