Monday, August 8, 2022

STARS: How I learned how to play offensive line at 16

Some of you know I didn't start playing football until I was 15 and really wanted to get onto the field and play by my second year. I saw the future and that my best chance to see the field was to learn the offensive line positions. We would be short my senior year. It was tough but I was determined to accomplish this.

I watched lots of game film and not just Blacksburgs but college and the NFLs to prepare for my form, explosions, stance and stamina. I worked out in the weight room religiously the spring and summer prior: dropping 40 pounds so I could have more lean muscle, increasing my benchpress by 50 pounds and my overall stamina by lifting and running the track and bleachers 3 times per week for 7 months. I also learned our playbook and how to block for certain plays properly and use my hands instead of my forearms. I knew I would be a better asset if I knew the granular details.

I developed myself even more as the season began. I was named starting offensive left tackle but I had to learn to be still during the snap count and know the snap count to not get offsides. I also had to block, period or I would be back on the bench. 3 scrimmages a jamboree and 12 games later, I kept my position, kept improving and was a reliable blocker and teammate.

I encourage anyone wanting to go out for a position you love to do it if you have both the skill and opportunity. Offensive line was tough to learn but I did and on a high level.

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