Monday, June 17, 2024

STARS: How I Improved and Maintained My Home the past Decade and A Half

I had an uphill battle in the early 2010s. My stepdad had spent nearly 20 years cutting corners and rigging stuff around my home instead of actually fixing stuff or planning to fix anything major or long term. 

I got both a credit account with Home Depot and a homeowners warranty. I then made a list of things to complete prioritizing need and in some cases cost. I used any extra money I made from overtime and side hustles towards home improvements and maintenance. I also sought out the best professionals I could find. I only dealt with folks that were licensed, certified and knew what they were doing. 

Going into this year, I've spent around 7,000 spaced out to fix and maintain various things in my house such as plumbing, driveway, pressure washing, furnace, washer/dryer, hot water heater, floors and maintaining stuff before it falls apart. Home ownership isn't cheap but it's well worth it as I ascend into the next round of repairs and maintenance.

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

STARS: How I've Used The Summer Weather To Get In Better Shape

Summertime isn't just for vacation and relaxing, it's also for conditioning your body for the Fall and simply getting into shape. 

I take advantage of the smaller crowds at the gyms due to summer vacation by getting in more cardio as I'm more apt to sweat. I also get in more outdoor activities especially in the mornings and evenings. The evenings are longer which allows more flexibility. 

I used to capitalize on the longer evenings by running as late as 7pm. Nowadays I take walks around that timeframe. 

I also do more yard, garden type work and even swimming. All of these activities work different muscles in a way more recreational than normal gym activities. 

I've lost up to 50 pounds in the summer months and have lowered blood pressure by 40 points, cholesterol and sugar by the same amount. I've also increased stamina by 60%.

Tuesday, June 4, 2024

STARS: Improving My Skin Health and Texture

I am a heterosexual man that gets body waxes. Big shout out to my esthetican Carla Hearn for not only opening my eyes to this importance but also to regular skin care. 

Two years ago when I begin seeing Carla she noticed a lot of discomfort, red skin and ingrown hairs. This came from over 20 years of shaving and clipping my body hairs which I didn't know can damage skin look and quality.  I then followed her recommendations and advice. 

I invested in tools to help with exfoliation. I bought and use Dove exfoliating body wash (in the light blue top), exfoliating gloves and sponges. These are all inexpensive and the rewards are endless. I apply body wash to the sponges and gloves and scrub my areas before I shower 3-4 times per week. This removes any excess skin, prevents ingrown hairs from growing and fosters heavy skin and regrowth. 

I've been doing this for nearly a year and now I see how much better looking and feeling my skin is. Additionally my sessions with Carla are much smoother and pain free. Waxing can be a painful process but thanks to the tips Carla offered, it has been very healthy and smooth!