Monday, April 18, 2022

STARS: On The Way Back: Part 2

I worked at Robert Allen (RA) considering it a short term assignment while I constantly tried to find more fulfilling employment, preferably in my major. My goal was to go to grad school, earn my MBA and try that route also. That will be the story for Part 3 though. 

Part 2 will focus on how I was able to make more money as the current job I had didn't even pay $9, although I got overtime and decent benefits. I had to get some gainful income at RA or elsewhere. 

I focused on every type of job in my major I could but to no avail. LinkedIn nor major social media wasn't a thing so I used my connects. I then decided to take the PRAXIS and GMAT and aced both exams. I decided to become a critical area needs teacher in SC. I could do that and the closest area was an hour away. 

I then looked at the salary and even after receiving my master's or MBA, it would take years to earn my goal employment of $15/hour (ironically what many jobs pay now). I didn't want to be in another plant nor mill. Robert Allen had adopted the incentive program for the Cut Floor department. In essence you were paid for your production and had a base pay and average pay. I was cross trained on the Cut Floor and was confident I could do the work. However I knew it would be hard on my body. 

I caved in 2005 and decided to do it as another short term assignment so I could afford more things in my life: new car; own place and even to vacation. It paid heavy dividends for 3 years as I made very good money on just 40 hours/week and had a good balance where I wasn't greedy nor harming my body more than necessary. 

I felt more productive and my confidence boosted as I actually matched my income I made working for the WU and exceeded that I would have made as a teacher. 

There were more changes that came as I started grad school in 2008, bought a new car and saw more positive things in my life. 

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