Sunday, October 6, 2019

Couponing series: how to get started

My STAR series is ending for now, sort of. I will discuss couponing but will incorporate the STAR method to do so. 

I saw the huge hauls that many people I know were getting from couponing, often on the small scale. I decided I wanted to try it.

*DISCLAIMER* I am very much a novice. I have the tools and resources but I have yet to hit that huge haul. Join a couponing group or register for a class to receive advanced tips especially for your area. 

That said, I registered for a couponing class.  Biggest takeaways was finding out a good app for digital coupons, I learned how to link all of my store accounts and such to take advantage of deals. The best stores in my area appear to be Walgreens, BiLo, Harris Teeter and Dollar General. 

I then discovered different ways to obtain paper coupons. The newspaper, especially the Sunday newspaper is one method.  However you can find folks called "coupon fairies" that sell inserts for certain items you may need and buy more.  Couponing groups and circles have helped me here. 

I also have focused on stores with mass deals and ones that allow me to build up points like Walgreens or BiLo. 

Next, get a 3 ring binder and envelope to organize your coupons by store, product and even date. It's best to go early or late to catch the better deals and miss the longer lines. 

I saved $15 on my one and only haul. I plan on going again this week to Dollar General and my goal is to have less than a $10 OOP (out of pocket cost) for $30 worth of deals. 

It takes work, organization and even downloading apps and having multiple ways to get and print paper coupons but it is worth it. I will continue posting my finds and tips in the coming weeks. I'm ready for that huge $20 for $200 worth of merchandise haul!

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