Sunday, October 4, 2020

STARS: Picking Out Your Halloween Outfit

Yes many long time followers of my blog know that Halloween is one of my favorite holidays, especially seeing women and their creative costumes. Despite the pandemic, the creativity can continue and Zoom doesn't have to be involved. 

I choose a costume that is neutral far as the weather.  Women usually have this easier. I have donned capes, robes, and such. 

I will definitely choose a mask but not one that is not unbearably hot. I can be a ninja of some sort, a bank robber, cowboy, even a light monster mask. This is the one holiday that can be COVID friendly as long as you do not choose a crowded venue and practice CDC guidelines regarding candy. No worries children, my stuff will be prepackaged into bags and no hand sanitizer unless you want it. 

I will then have my fun and participate in the community and be around my friends and such.  I am not allowing the holiday being on a Saturday and a blue moon to deter what I love about it. I don't think others should either. 

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