Saturday, January 5, 2013

Making Life Changes: Being Capable And Open To Change

This being a New Year, many folks are in the middle of making many changes to their life. It seems to be the time where many are most open and receptive to change.

People most often make change in their job status, physical appearance, and spending and saving habits. However, one of the main reason that many fall short is they aren't mentally ready for the challenges that lie ahead. They are all caught up in the hype of new beginnings, resolutions, and just everything starting fresh.

You have to be more than an "in the moment" person to make substantial, long lasting changes in your life.  One must be mentally ready and receptive to change and grow.

Here are a few ways that you can prepare yourself for making changes and overcoming obstacles that may arise:

1. Write down your goals, and have short term plans and mini goals for achieving the big picture.

2. Make your changes realistic. Dream big, but remember that positive change takes time. Look at the pyramids. 

3. Stick to it. There will be many things that get in the way: tax season, the first snowfall, the warm weather, and even unexpected setbacks. Be calm and stay the course.

4. Have a clearly motivated reason or why. Doing this will help you and give you more purpose and desire.

5. Take pictures of things that remind you of your progress and post them. Instagram is perfect for this with several monthly photo challenges ongoing.

6. Look up several role models, and see how they achieved their dreams. This is only for the truly serious.

I almost turned this blog into a top seven. However, that's okay. Making changes are never easy, and affect other aspects of your life. One needs support, sacrifice, and self motivation to make proper life adjustments.

Seeing the big picture is very important as you realized that the rewards are worth the hard work, blood, sweat and tears.

In closing, here's a quote , geared towards myself and others getting it in at the gym. "Suck it up now, so you won't have to suck it in later".

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