Sunday, December 16, 2012

Waiting In Line, Really?

This is one of my pet peeves, and something I take every precaution to avoid. Waiting in long lines for something can be very irritating.

I consider myself a patient man. However, when it comes to standing in line for something, my patient is truly put to the test.

This is a season of giving, but also a season of lines. Beginning with Black Friday and even culiminating with the day after Christmas, the lines at the stores and the traffic on the road will be bananas. It cannot always be worthwhile.

Then during the year, people will camp out for sporting events, concerts, and other events with long lines.

I purposely shop early or late, and I leave events early or late to avoid lines. They simply irk me. It seems even adults have trouble forming a single file line. Then, lines seen to take forever, with not much in return.

Again I'm not against waiting and being patient. It all depends on the purpose and if I can avoid a crowd.  The faster and more convenient, the better.

During my research, I saw where many stores have a limit on how long they want their cashier's checkout lines to be. That is a good thing, because if you cannot efficiently handle a crowd of customers, you need another line of work. No pun intended of course.

It all boils down to using your head and taking all precautions to cut down on the waiting. Buy things online or in advance. Arrive early for functions. Those who know me know that I'm usually the first or extremely prompt for an event. It pays to be prepared in advance.

One must learn these practices to reduce the stress and anxiety of waiting for mundane things and purposes. Wait on things such as true love, the Lord, and results from hard work. A proper level of tolerance is necessary to balance your life.

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