Saturday, August 10, 2024

On The Way Back: Part 10

I always kept a long term endgame related plan for my advancement. This most recent promotion didn't come as quickly as I would like but it came. 

I learned and mastered both the sort and RTS operations of AMXL as well as the dispatch portion. I learned how to properly lead, escalate and listen to a staff of associates.  I evaluated myself daily, weekly, continued building my stories for advancement and was open to feedback. 

I was able to help others develop and advance, and I became more open to change, had a better temporment and became a stronger leader and person. 

I'll be returning back to AMZL so I'm ready to see how part 11 goes. Either way, I'm enjoying both the ride and process!

Saturday, August 3, 2024

On The Way Back: Part 9

This will be in two parts.  

My Amazon journey/career has taken me through the AMXL (heavy box route). I have worked in operational leadership, receiving packages from drivers as they return to station and running our sort operation overnight. 

It feels good to be in charge and motivate folks. It's tiring, hard work with a lot of detail but never boring. I'm glad I chose this route as part of my long term plan. 

Things have gotten deterred again per life. I was injured and out for two months and then my mother passed away so there was being out, grieving and then beginning probate court. I wanted to allow myself to develop and delay the next step of advancement a little further. 

I had no idea I would be delayed even further and how hard it would be to jump over this hurdle.  Stay tuned for more as it literally took 3 years.