Tuesday, July 19, 2022

STARS: How I Write Poetry

I am into more poetry now that my guy, Angelo Geter, has released his book, More God Than Dead. He also had an awesome book launch a couple of weeks back. 

Many of you know I've been writing myself for well over 25 years. I've even performed slam poetry before. Angelo's release has inspired me to get back out there. 

I have a very different process for writing my poems than much. 

I brainstorm the topic and the emotions first. You have to really feel poetry opposed to prose. This is why I begin with the title and let it flow.

I have a format of four lines per stanza or even two. I and other great poets advise you have a foundation far as writing but remember that all poems do not have to rhyme. I simply make sure mine flow well even if they don't rhyme. 

I then read my poems aloud for that effect. Big shout out to folks at the WU like Pamela Pressley Sharpe, Que Gore and Quentin Talley. All 3 taught me that expressing from the heart and showing the emotion really helps gives your words life. 

I also don't worry if I go over anyone's heads. Poetry is met to be interpretive and have multiple meanings. 

I encourage you to read many poems, including Angelo's books and definitely develop that foundation. You may be a poet and not know it!