We have to have rules as a society for it to run effectively or the society will perish. Then everyone will basically be on a purge.
However, that being said, some of these made up rules are outrageous and left field smh. Who makes these up?
It's bad enough that many of the rules on the books are terribly outdated. Now there are not only "rules" as to what you can say to something or what you can call them, there are rules on what and how to post on social media, how to look at a person, how to eat a certain food. Stop right here, geesh! We do have freedoms and the main thing we need is common sense to address all of these.
My favorite rule of all time comes from my high school agriculture teacher Mr. Bill Parker. It goes "allow common sense and reason to be your guide and act the way you want to be treated." Obvious rules aside, that's all you basically need. There is no use for some of these ridiculous guidelines.
I just saw where supposedly profanity is prohibited at Myrtle and Virginia Beach, both hot travel spots. See this is really digging deep.
Once common sense and judgment are removed from an area, you have lots of problems. All the rules in the world will not solve them either.
Most importantly, let's love each other again. It's been a while since I have truly seen this.