There has been so many twisting of facts and thoughts lately, ultimately resulting in lies, drama, protests, boycotts, outrages, etc. Geez Louise why can't folks get their stuff right?
Anyone can make a website or a blog and make the right subject go viral. This is how outlets like TMZ make their living. The Enquirer has did this for decades. We also have fact checking tools now such as Snopes and others to validate statements and headlines. We choose to get all bent out of shape first. But for what?
It reminds me of high school when anyone would believe juicy gossip and the he said/she said. Think about it. One person tells another something, then they tell another. By the time it reaches the 8th and greater person, you may go from a couple of sentences to a paragraph that fast, everyone adding their own spin. I played an activity game like this before.
Having this knowledge in hand, why would you blindly believe any ole thing? Even worse, why would you share questionable articles? All I know is this, you better come correct to me. Reputable facts, articles, the whole nine. I only believe half of what I hear, and less what I see.
Time for all to get correct